A downloadable game


Retro Reflex Challenge! 

🔥 Hey, fast fingers! Ready to prove your coordination is out of this world while chilling like you’re on a cozy mountain getaway?⛰️ That’s Tofu Quest for you – the best of both worlds: a frantic reflex challenge for your thumbs and a soothing soundtrack that makes you forget you’re this close to losing!


➡️ Move right: Tap the right side! Most right-handed folks nail this—you're practically born for it. Lefties... well, good luck, my ambidextrous friends.

⬅️ Move left: Tap the left side! Canhotos, it’s your time to shine. Destros, don't panic; it's just the “wrong” side of life.

⬆️ Jump up: Tap up and… uh-oh! This is where things get tricky. Depending on which side of the brain wakes up first, you might soar majestically or just freeze like a deer in headlights. Left brain? Logic says "Jump!" Right brain? “What if we do a little artful flop instead?”


The game puts your reflexes to the ultimate test: tap, calculate, and land every move with surgical precision.

All while the calming music whispers: “Relax, you got this… or do you?”

🔧 Engine: GDevelop 5

🎨 Main Art:

  • Emcee Flesher: Tofuman  (opengameart.org).

🖌️ Secondary Art:

  • Ian Peter: Cloud (opengameart.org).
  • Destron: Sky Artwork (opengameart.org).
  • Mohamkey: Vegetation/Shrubs (opengameart.org).
  • Rosali Alves Colares: Moon Artwork (Instagram: @rosali_alvesco).
  • Clint Bellanger: Number Font (opengameart.org).

🎼 Main Theme Music:

  • SubspaceAudio: JRPG Pack 4 Calm, JRPG Pack 2 Towns, JRPG Pack 1 Exploration (opengameart.org).

🎵 Secondary Sound Effects:

  • Aeva: Plumber Jump (opengameart.org).
  • jalastram: Sound Effects | SFX041 | SFX047 (opengameart.org).
  • wobbleboxx: Level Up, Power Up, Coin Get (13 Sounds) (opengameart.org).

💪 Special Thanks to:

  • Cristiano Xavier Schinetti.
  • Rosana Maciel.
  • Augusto Alves Vieira.

👾 Download now, align your chakras, and prove that coordination and tranquility can go hand in hand! 🌌 TOFU AWAITS!

Available on

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